Discover your personalised, high-performance wellness strategy based on your unique genetic blueprint

Harness the power of your DNA to formulate your precise lifestyle and wellness strategy, saving you time, effort and money.

Are you…

A middle-aged executive or business owner seeking to understand exactly what specific lifestyle, dietary or fitness interventions to maximise your energy, wellness and performance?
Time poor and struggling to reconcile your demanding schedule with the flood of lifestyle advice?
Feeling guilty that you’re not doing enough when it comes to your wellbeing?
Feeling or looking older than your chronological age?
Experiencing a mid-life stagnation in energy and weight management?
Feeling frustrated by the sea of generalised information that doesn’t consider your individual needs and circumstances?
Stuck in a cycle of adopting new wellness trends, only to find them impractical or ineffective?
Looking for practical, effective solutions to improve your productivity both at work and at home?
Confused as to which supplements, diets, or exercise routines are truly beneficial for you, and which are simply wellness industry fads?
Wondering whether the peak of your body’s vitality and health is now behind you?

If this sounds like you, then the Unstoppable Leader Program is designed specifically for you.

Stop guessing, start thriving.

The Unstoppable Leader

True high performance is the unwavering ability to consistently show up and deliver at one’s best, irrespective of the circumstances.

It’s about harnessing optimal levels of energy, honing unparalleled resilience, and summoning laser-focused productivity on command.

The Unstoppable Leader program is tailored to empower you with the self-insights you need. It will arm you with a personalised, self-care blueprint to drive your capability and your capacity for peak performance, increase your energy, optimise your wellness and help you reconnect to a younger, fitter, more vibrant you.

Your journey to optimised performance begins with heightened self-awareness.
Where do you perceive yourself on our tailored scale?

Unstoppable Longevity 10X
Robust Sustainability 5X
Neutral Growth 2X
Unreliable Consistency 1X
Depleted Clarity -1X
Absent Decision -5X

One Size Does Not Fit All

The Unstoppable Leader program helps you to discover your genetic signatures and map out the ongoing foundations of your vitality, resilience, wellness, and performance.

This journey, grounded in science, takes you to the very essence of your wellbeing, delving deep into your genetic code. You will leave the strategy session with a personalised roadmap for your vitality and performance, built on the unique features of your DNA.

By understanding who you are at a genetic level, we can create a tailored plan that is as unique as you are. You then have the option for additional support to implement the changes and start to create the health you have always dreamed of.

The Unstoppable Leader uses the unique THE DNA OF PERFORMANCE™ framework 

Energy Signature

Morning Star, Rockstar, Electric Star, Shooting Star, North Star, Supernova.


Stress Signature

CEO, Warrior, Sovereign


Diet Signature

Low Carb, Ketogenic, Paleo, Mediterranean, Vegetarian


Athletic Signature

Weight-lifter, Triathlete, Runner, Yogini, Dancer, Sprinter

Working from the inside out, the DNA of Performance™ identifies 4 key areas:

Unlock the connections between your genes and your nutrition. Gain insights into how your DNA influences your dietary needs, and identify the foods that can boost your health and vitality as well as those foods that increase an inflammatory response.

Discover whether your DNA Diet Signature™ is Low Carb, Ketogenic, Paleo, Mediterranean or Vegetarian, and whether you have sensitivities to gluten, lactose, sugar or saturated fat. Understand exactly what to eat and when for optimal vitality, balanced blood sugar levels and a lean physique.

Discover your DNA Boosters and Busters that supercharge or deplete your vitality and performance.

We all handle stress in different ways. Understand how efficiently you produce the various neurotransmitters that affect your resilience and stress response and effective strategies for stress management, strengthening your resilience and overall wellbeing.

Discover whether your DNA Stress Signature™ is CEO, Warrior or Sovereign.

Understand your genetic capacity for focus, memory and long-term cognitive function. Become aware of the best foods and nutritional supplements to strengthen your stress response and mental performance.

Whether fitness is your passion or your pastime, your genetic athletic signature holds key insights.

Discover whether your DNA Athletic Signature™ is Weight-lifter, Triathlete, Runner, Yogini, Dancer or Sprinter.

Unearth your genetic strengths and weaknesses and tailor your fitness regimen to optimise your physical performance, your weight, your energy and longevity.

Discover the exclusive blueprint of your energy production and consumption.

Discover whether your DNA Energy Signature™ is Morning Star, Rockstar, Electric Star, Shooting Star, North Star or Supernova.

Understand how your body generates and utilises energy at a genetic level, and learn specific methods to amplify your energy when you need it most.

From here, the insights are then applied to three phases of:


Discover your personalised, high-performance wellness strategy based on your unique genetic blueprint in 4 weeks.


Deeper diagnostics and biological insights to take you from depleted to unstoppable. 1:1 support to implement the DNA of Performance to optimise your wellness, your energy, your resilience over 6 months.


For leaders who have completed the DNA Recovery Program and who now want to focus on slowing, stop or even reverse the biological ageing process in their body.

The Unstoppable Leader program is the perfect fit if you:


Value Personalised Health & Performance Advice:

You’re tired of generic health and wellbeing advice that just doesn’t align with your body’s unique needs.


Seek Efficiency:

You have a packed schedule, leaving you with little time for trial and error.


Strive for Peak Performance:

As a professional who’s always reaching for the top, you know how important optimal health is for maintaining your performance at work and in life.


Desire to Add Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years:

You’re in the prime of your life and you want to regain and then maintain your vitality as you age.


Understand that Your Business Relies on Your Health:

As a business owner or executive, the health of your enterprise and the robustness of your leadership are directly tied to your personal wellbeing. When you’re at your peak, your business thrives. When you’re exhausted, your business fails.


Deliver your Best when You are Accountable to Someone:

I understand the demands of life, especially for busy executives. Accountability is the key. You’ll have regular communication with me—I’ll be your cheerleader, biggest supporter, and ready to provide that extra push when needed. My mission is your success, and I’m here to ensure it!

Uncover the secrets to your optimal wellness and vitality with the Unstoppable Leader program, ensuring you can always be and deliver your best.

Remember, the key to optimal health and performance lies in understanding your unique genetic makeup.

Make the right investment in your wellbeing with the Unstoppable Leader because when it comes to your health, one size definitely does not fit all.

DNA Discovery™

Discover your personalised, high-performance wellness strategy based on your unique genetic blueprint in 4 weeks

DNA Recovery™

Deeper diagnostics, insights and 1:1 support to optimise your lifestyle and wellness strategy over 6 months

DNA Longevity™

DNA Testing
(Valued at $400)
2.5hr Discovery Strategy Session to discuss your DNA Signatures, DNA Boosters & Busters, Map out your wellness and performance strategy
(Valued at $2,000)
Genetic and Personal Performance Report
(Valued at $1,000)
Continuous Glucose Monitor and Food response testing
(Valued at $500)
Onboarding Call to identify necessary deeper diagnostics (Gut Microbiome, Heavy metals toxicity, Hormonal cycles, Sleep testing, etc.)
(Valued at $250)
Blood tests, microbiome and breath test review
(Valued at $1,000)
Personalised Genetic and Biological Strategy to resolve any present wellness and performance challenges (insomnia, stubborn weight gain, exhaustion, mood changes, hormonal imbalances, loss of focus, etc.)
(Valued at $1,500)
Access to the DNA of Weight Loss course
(Valued at $2,500)
Access to the Unstoppable Leader Performance Mastery course
(Valued at $2,500)
1:1 Coaching Sessions
(Valued at $4,000)
Monthly Action Plan
(Valued at $600)
Monthly DNA Diet Meal Plan
(Valued at $600)
Weekly Accountability
(Valued at $2,000)
SOS on Call at any time
(Valued at $5,000)
End of Program Blood Retesting to Track Progress
(Valued at $200)
Digital DNA of Performance Workbook
(Valued at $50)
Graduation Session & Performance Maintenance Plan
(Valued at $1,000)
TruAge Complete Epigenetic test to tell how old you really are from a biological standpoint, on a cellular level
(Valued at $1,000)
Comprehensive radiology scans, densitometry, MRI, VO2Max function, body composition
(Valued at $6,000)
Your Longevity Strategy Session
(Valued at $2,500)
Quarterly 1:1 review to assess progress and map your quarterly exercise, diet, nutritional, medical plan
(Valued at $5,000)
Concierge nutritional supplement service
(Valued at $1,200)
Quarterly masterclass on a specific longevity topic (dementia, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, microbiome senescence, cancer prevention, how to interpret blood testing, etc.)
(Valued at $600)
Q  Q R
Monthly longevity meal plan
(Valued at $1,200)
Access to twice yearly group supervised, longevity 5-day fasting-mimicking diet
(Valued at $2,500)
Exclusive invite to annual Longevity Retreat Q Q R
Ask Me Anything sessions
(Valued at $5,000)
Unstoppable Community Forum with private app access
(Valued at $2,000)
Total Value $6,700 $24,750 $51,750



This program is by invitation only after completion of either DNA Discovery or DNA Recovery.
Got questions? Talk to Alessandra first and book an Introductory Call.

About Your Coach

Alessandra Edwards

Alessandra Edwards is a leading expert in the DNA of performance and well-being, dedicated to empowering high-performing leaders to harness their genetics and biology for optimal health and vitality.
With over 16 years in the field, she has guided high level leaders across Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and the US, helping them tap into their genetic blueprint to unlock boundless energy and resilience.

Working closely with leading CEOs, executives, founders and business owners, Alessandra offers a distinct approach by combining her expertise as a clinical nutritionist and epigenetic coach with her background as a UK corporate executive, all the while integrating the latest scientific advancements.

When not working with clients, Alessandra pushes personal boundaries, training for triathlons and always seeking the next step in health and longevity optimisation. This dedication extends to a rich home life with two children, a supportive husband, two cats, and a lively Hungarian Vizsla named Scooby.

Holding a first-class degree in health science, along with professional qualifications in genomic wellness, herbal medicine, neurolinguistic programming, yoga and meditation instruction, Alessandra Edwards is the go-to professional for leaders serious about elevating their health, performance and longevity.

What our Unstoppable Leaders have said

Jane McAloon
Chairman EnergyAustralia

Working with Alessandra over the last couple of years has been nothing short of transformative. Balancing multiple chairmanships on national boards demands a relentless pace and peak performance, both mentally and physically. Thanks to Alessandra’s unparalleled expertise and tailored approach, I’ve been able to not only maintain but elevate my wellness and performance.

The results speak for themselves—and I’ve been so impressed that I’ve referred several colleagues in the past year alone. For anyone in high-pressure roles seeking to optimise their health and output, Alessandra is the go-to expert.

Sam Reynolds
CEO Octopus Investments Australia

After completing the Unstoppable Leader program I feel like Superman. My energy, productivity, health and resilience have greatly improved. The best part is that now I have the knowledge and tools to continue to perform at my best. Alessandra is an extremely supportive coach who balances empathy with accountability, ensuring every client not only feels understood but also remains committed to their progress and goals.

Meg Bolam Williams
CEO Bolam Group

I went to Alessandra looking for guidance on how to lose weight and feel energised, I could not have imagined the impact working with Alessandra would make to my life. Alessandra has walked beside me every step of the way on a transformational journey of mind, body and soul. I now know what my body needs to be at its best, I feel mentally strong and perhaps for the first time in my life I understand what “self-care” is.

Peter Cook
Co-founder/CEO Thought Leaders Business School

For 15 years I’ve been searching for someone to mentor me in the domain of peak performance. With Alessandra my search is finally over. Not only is she across the latest science in genetic profiling, nutrition, exercise, sleep and mindfulness, and how these lead to optimal performance … she has deep expertise in perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle – mindset.

As a practitioner she has a profound knowledge in her domain, is evidence based and produces extraordinary results with her clients.

As a person she has deep integrity, a generous soul and when you scratch under the surface a bit, a wicked sense of humour. If you are up to big things, and need your vitality and performance to match, then work with Alessandra. Everything will get better.

Lyn Dean
CEO Wellbeing South Australia

Working with Alessandra has made an amazing difference to my health and wellbeing and improved my ability to perform my role in the Health industry to the highest level. Alessandra has helped me understand my body’s response to stress through addressing genetic challenges with supplements, diet and exercise. I now wake up with energy that it is sustained throughout the day and for the first time in my career, I have work-life balance.

Sabine Taylor
CEO at Murweh Shire Council

Alessandra Edwards is an amazing, caring, energetic and empathetic performance expert; who cares deeply for your health and wellbeing. Alessandra puts you in the centre of all she does and works with you to the be the ‘best version of you’. Her scientific, evidence based holistic approach is transformational. My health, energy and fitness levels have improved exponentially. Alessandra provided me with all the information, tool kits and support to ensure my success. This enabled me to experience sustained weight loss, better manage my stress levels and bolster my resilience.

Manish Kumar
Managing Director and Senior Vice President Stratacache

Working with Alessandra has been a beautiful and healing journey for me. Her expertise in the wellness and performance space has helped me tremendously and I would highly recommend her to any leaders who are looking to optimise their health and energy.

Daniel Biondi

The Unstoppable Leader programme was transformative for me. I’ve gained deep insights into my genetics and physiology and felt unparalleled support and motivation at every stage. Alessandra is an exceptional and deeply empathetic coach. I highly recommend her to any high-level executive wishing to achieve top-tier performance.

Zoe Routh
Multi-award winning Author

I have not felt this good in years! My energy has returned, my skin looks great, and even my dental results have improved! I have much greater knowledge and understanding of my own health, and what I can do to best manage it. Can’t recommend Alessandra highly enough.

Georgia Murch
Founder/CEO Can We Talk

I can’t stop recommending this woman! I have been to numerous doctors, naturopaths, done so many tests, MRI’s and CT scans to try and find out why I am losing energy rapidly and struggling to function at a ‘normal’ level. All of the answers were guess work. Until I found Alessandra.

Alessandra is beyond thorough, deeply knows her space, has the best ‘bedside manner’ and is the coolest ‘bionerd’ I know.

If you want to get your energy back, destroy all the things in your system that don’t serve you and be the best performing version of your self you can be. Go to her now. Do it!

Domenic Del Duca
Customer Journey Manager

I have been personally using Alessandra Edwards to assist me with my work performance and personal goals.

She has changed the way I live in just a few short months. I was always tired, my sleeping patterns were all over the place and was only sleeping an average of 2 – 4 hours a night, lacking energy, and non-productive during most days. In just a few months Alessandra has turned this around by guiding me through her biological and genetics based approach.

My energy level has increased 100%, I am no longer too tired to be a husband and a dad when I get home of an evening. I’ve lost 15 kg’s in 6 months and am now getting a full night’s sleep.

For those who think you’re stressed or tired because of your busy work and life schedules think again as the answer may be something completely different.

Thanks to Alessandra I am now on my way to being the best performing version of myself!!!

Corrinne Armour
Keynote Speaker/Trainer/Author

I pack a lot into my week and want to maximise my energy and my performance. Alessandra has helped me to do that. I am sleeping the best I have ever slept, my thinking is clear and focussed, and my energy levels are high. And on top of that, I am calm and having fun.

Alessandra is a superstar! Her approach is comprehensive, and backed by sound knowledge of genetics and current thinking across wellness and health. I have recommended a number of my clients invest in a program with Alessandra because she gets the results my executive clients need.

Matt Lawrence
Founder/Director Happy Spaces

As a result of working with Alessandra I have experienced noticeable improvements holistically. Increased energy and productivity, mental clarity and stability, and the ability to remain present in a variety situations. My diet and fitness levels have also improved as a result of introducing sustainable good habits based on my genetic make up. In addition, she’s simply a great person.

Belinda Brosnan

Alessandra is a big-hearted professional who walks the talk of peak performance. I’ve worked with Alessandra to ensure that I have a well-being strategy that is grounded in science, practical and sustainable. Across the program, I’ve lost weight, gained energy and a sense of control in a year that I knew would be challenging. As a result, I can show up and be the best version of myself for my clients. I have recommended her to so many other CEO’s – working with Alessandra is a game-changer for the long haul.

Amanda Blesing
CEO at Women in Leadership

I’ve not only worked with Alessandra myself to keep me performing at my best and being the best I can be for clients, but I also recommend her to some of my own high flying clients who struggle to get the balance they need to stay healthy, happy and performing at the top of their game. This analytical and future focused approach to your health helps you get back in control of your life and career again. Should be mandatory for anyone in a senior leadership role. You owe it to your stakeholders and shareholders.

Michelle Price
CEO Austcyber

Unstoppable Leader program has been a game changer for me. I now know the detail of my physiology and have felt completely supported and inspired through every step of getting back my true high performing self. Alessandra is simply fantastic. She understands the demands of high tempo, high pressure jobs and knows the science to master it all.

Dan Collins
Olympic Medallist

Alessandra came highly recommended to me, her reputation only grew in my eyes as we worked through a very effective and professional DNA-based recovery program . I have already recommended Alessandra to many  of my clients. And will continue too into the future.

Rebecca Houghton
Founder/Owner BoldHR

As a thought leader, facilitator, mentor and mum it’s imperative that I am at my best all the time. My performance, both cognitive and physical, is the foundation of my success: if I’m not alert, clear-headed and strong, I can’t give my best to those around me. Working with Alessandra absolutely delivered on its promise. Within weeks I was more energised and sleeping soundly. Within a few months I’d dropped a dress size (now two!) by eating more of the foods I love. When a long-term back issue flared up, our work together accelerated my recovery exponentially. As someone who advises leaders all day on how to level up their performance, I know physical wellbeing is critical. So it’s crucial that I walk the talk and invest in my own – and I’m delighted that I chose Alessandra as my guide to doing so. I am confident that I’ve now changed some unhelpful lifelong habits and am reaping the benefits in really tangible ways – I can honestly say I’ve not felt fitter, stronger or healthier in a decade.

Colin James
Co-Founder The Colin James Method

Under the professional guidance of Alessandra, supported with diet plans and supplementation, I’ve shifted my tired, pain-wracked body into a functioning, healthier, leaner machine that brings more energy and zest into my every day. I learned a lot more than I expected. An excellent investment.