The Most Important Reason Why It’s Hard to Break Bad Habits
Few intellectuals have tapped into the undercurrents of human behaviour as deeply as René Girard (1923-2015), a figure...
What Your Handshake Says About Your Health & Longevity
From time immemorial, human beings have used various forms of greeting to foster social bonds, establish peace, and...
Sleeping Like a Queen: The Tale of Victoria’s Snores & Tips to Silence Yours
Queen Victoria, one of history's most iconic monarchs, ruler of England and Ireland, Empress of India, wife to her...
From Headbutts to High-Performance: Unpacking the Biology of Emotional Mastery
Watching some of the impressive FIFA Women's World Cup games over the last week, I was reminded of another major...
The $30M Sandwich to Help You Beat Late-Night Snacking Addictions
John Young's career was nothing short of extraordinary, boasting over 835 hours of spacewalking as NASA's...
Re-Thinking Your Morning Brew: Why Timing is Crucial for Your Coffee Kick
Sometimes, do you find yourself enforcing a strict 'socks must match' policy, or only eating the green M&Ms...