If You Want To Change The World, Change Your Biochemistry
If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does...
Why You Shouldn’t Always Treat Parasites
Parasites like Dientamoeba fragilis and Blastocystis hominis are two of the most common causes of digestive problems I...
Why We Should All Eat More Seasonal Food
People often ask me what they should eat to boost their immune system and improve their vitality. My first answer is...
Cooking At High Temperatures Is Bad For Your Health
While most people would assume that grilled chicken or fish are probably some of the healthiest foods one can eat, it...
Why You Should Avoid BPA-Free Bottles
Ever since BPA-free packaging has hit the shelves, I have been smelling a rat. The overnight switch to BPA-free...
How To Tolerate Grains After A No Grain Diet
Curious how to tolerate grains after a no grain diet? This article tells you how.