Why Elon Musk’s Sci-Fi Dreams May Just Be The Ticket

Why Elon Musk’s Sci-Fi Dreams May Just Be The Ticket

Elon Musk recently announced his intention to develop a neural lace – a kind of interface that could be implanted in the brain that would allow humans to download and upload their thoughts and help us keep abreast of AI development. Now another silicon valley...
Is your DNA controlling your mindset & behaviour?

Is your DNA controlling your mindset & behaviour?

Former GE CEO Jack Welch once famously said that 3 out of 5 leadership traits are innate. These traits are energy, passion and the ability to energise or engage others. I would go one step further and say that other traits such as anti-fragility, agility and...
Feeling Flat, Bloated and Burned Out?

Feeling Flat, Bloated and Burned Out?

Is your digestion underperforming and are you going about your day in a perpetual state of blah? Do you wake up in the morning feeling like a furry animal just died in your mouth? Do you need coffee, sugar, carbs or neon coloured drinks to zest you back up at regular...
Is Your Gut Stealing Your Mojo?

Is Your Gut Stealing Your Mojo?

An army marches on its stomach The French dictator Napoleon Bonaparte supposedly once said “An army marches on its stomach”, meaning that you canb’t win a war with an army of underfed, malnourished soldiers. 200 years on, while we may not have a...