by Anna Kuhl | Oct 30, 2022 | Blog
Less is often more. This week I attended my 14-year-old daughter’s District Netball Awards Presentation. The one recurrent theme throughout the coaches’ speeches was how impressed they were with those players who showed up no matter what, even when they...
by Anna Kuhl | Oct 30, 2022 | Blog
Powerful leadership is powered by energy. Since obsessing about investing in my energy everything in my life has got better without any extra effort – from my relationships to my parenting, from my business to my lifestyle. And since I would love for you to also...
by Anna Kuhl | Oct 30, 2022 | Blog
When you know better, you can do better. I’m going to share with you three health myths that I hear and read often, even on so called reputable sites, that are plain lies. I don’t mean to imply that the people who share these are intentionally deceiving others (well,...
by Anna Kuhl | Oct 30, 2022 | Blog
A high-performing body is a massive asset. That’s why I doubled my energy and lost 4kg of belly fat in just 6 weeks. Here are the 5 simple things I did: STEP1: MINE THE DATA Meaningful data analysis is the cornerstone of any high performing-business. When it...
by alessandra | Mar 30, 2022 | Blog
Yesterday’s violent outburst at the Oscars by actor Will Smith has fuelled, yet again, a vitriolic barrage of tweets from both camp Smith and camp Rock. In case you’ve not heard, comedian and Oscars presenter Chris Rock made a cheap, unkind joke about Will Smith’s...
by alessandra | Dec 6, 2021 | Blog
It comes to a point where the typical hamper or bottle of wine starts to feel dated, uninspiring and, when you really come down to it, unhealthy. That’s why I love gifting my clients with things that will help boost their vitality and performance. Items that are...