Five Ways Anger Sabotages Your Performance As A CEO

Five Ways Anger Sabotages Your Performance As A CEO

Do you remember Tim Armstrong, the former CEO of AOL group? Armstrong will be best remembered not for advancements made within the company, but for his sudden angry outburst during a company-wide downsizing conference call in 2013. Armstrong became distracted by...
How to Turn Everyday Frustrations into Pearls

How to Turn Everyday Frustrations into Pearls

On a scale of 1-10, how frustrated are you feeling today? I ask because frustration is often an emotion that goes undetected. Sure, we can experience the full-blown, traffic-jam frustration that gets you gripping the steering wheel with-white knuckle intensity (I...
Three Reasons Why We Feel More Anxious in Winter

Three Reasons Why We Feel More Anxious in Winter

Even before COVID-19 hit our shores, every Australian had a one-in-four chance of ever experiencing anxiety, with two million people reporting anxiety in any one year. I haven’t seen the latest figures yet, but I imagine the last few months have blown this statistic...
Kuchisabishii and Lonely Mouth Syndrome

Kuchisabishii and Lonely Mouth Syndrome

Last week I came across ‘Kuchisabishii’, a Japanese word that perfectly describes the loss of control that many, otherwise-in-control leaders experience when it comes to their snacking habits. Kuchisabishii: ‘When you’re not hungry and you eat because your mouth is...
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

When you get to the evening after a long day’s work do you mostly: A) Feel tired and take yourself to bed for an early night. B) Feel tired and stay up late for some telly/PlayStation/social media [insert inane pastime of choice here] as this is the only ‘me time’ you...
Do Tooth Fairies Get Coronavirus?

Do Tooth Fairies Get Coronavirus?

I won’t lie. The last few weeks have been hard. Really hard. Not hard in the capital H Hard sense that many people less fortunate than me have been experiencing. You know, the kind of real HARD that encompasses the loss of a relative, the loss of a job, the loss of...