by alessandra | Apr 1, 2015 | Blog
We know from looking at US farming practices that giving antibiotics to young animals changes the composition of their gut microbiota, inducing genetic changes that make the animals grow fatter faster. But do antibiotics have the same effect on humans? Do antibiotics...
by alessandra | Feb 19, 2015 | Blog
Gastroenteritis is the most common infectious illness in children. It is a very unpleasant experience for both parents and child. While there are no magic pills that will make it disappear instantaneously, there are many effective natural remedies for gastro that will...
by alessandra | Feb 16, 2015 | Blog
Most cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be resolved by addressing underlying food intolerances, rebalancing the gut microbiome, reducing inflammation and healing a leaky gut wall. However, in certain individuals this approach may not be enough to restore gut...
by alessandra | Dec 31, 2014 | Blog
Most people are familiar with antacid medication for heartburn or indigestion, and assume that stomach acidity is bad for you and must be decreased. The opposite is actually true and, in the majority of cases, most people with digestive problems have low hydrochloric...
by alessandra | Dec 10, 2014 | Blog
Drinking 4 standards alcoholic drinks in one sitting significantly increases levels of toxic lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the blood (1). These endotoxins are produced by normal shedding of their cell walls by gut bacteria. LPS are so damaging to health that a number...
by alessandra | Nov 25, 2014 | Blog
Food chemical intolerance is on the rise. Signs and symptoms are wide ranging, from skin rashes and red patches on ears and face to sleeping disorders, behavioural changes, bedwetting and gastro-intestinal symptoms. This is the latest and most up-to-date food chemical...